java.util.Enumeration JDK 1.0 提供用于遍历容器类的接口,但是一个公认的设计失误,所以 JDK 1.2 对其进行了重构,新增 Iterator 接口去迭代容器类。
JDK 为了保证向后兼容,就在容器工具类 java.util.Collections 的 enumeration 方法中使用了适配器模式,用 Collection#iterator() 构造 Enumeration 对象,源码如下:
public class Collections {
private Collections() {
* Returns an enumeration over the specified collection. This provides
* interoperability with legacy APIs that require an enumeration
* as input.
* @param <T> the class of the objects in the collection
* @param c the collection for which an enumeration is to be returned.
* @return an enumeration over the specified collection.
* @see Enumeration
public static <T> Enumeration<T> enumeration(final Collection<T> c) {
return new Enumeration<T>() {
private final Iterator<T> i = c.iterator();
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return i.hasNext();
public T nextElement() {
return i.next();
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